ISO 14064-3:2019 for GHG Emissions

ISO 14064-3:2019 for GHG Emissions

ISO 14064-3:2019 for GHG Emissions

ISO 14064-3:2019 is an international standard that specifies principles, requirements, and guidelines for verifying and validating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions data and assertions. This standard ensures that GHG-related information is accurate, consistent, and reliable, enabling organizations to:

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    Gain credibility through transparent reporting.

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    Verify emissions inventories and reductions against global benchmarks.

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    Validate sustainability projects such as carbon credits and offset programs

    The standard applies to both organizational and project-level GHG assertions, addressing two key areas:

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    – Independent confirmation of emissions data accuracy

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    Confirmation that proposed plans or projects meet established criteria.

By implementing ISO 14064-3:2019, organizations can confidently report their emissions and reduction efforts while adhering to international best practices.

Benefits of Verification & Validation

GHG1 IRQS (Indian Register Quality Systems)


  • Verification of GHG inventories as per ISO 14064-1 standards.

  • Validation of emission reduction targets, initiatives, and reporting accuracy.

  • Validation of GHG reduction or removal projects.

  • Verification of carbon credits, offset programs, and project performance

Audit Methodology

GHG2 IRQS (Indian Register Quality Systems)

Why Choose IRClass?

IRClass – IRQS is a globally recognized certification body with over two decades of experience in sustainability auditing

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    Global Expertise

    Certified auditors with proven experience in GHG verification and validation.

  • icon2 IRQS (Indian Register Quality Systems)

    Trusted Reputation

    Recognized worldwide for impartial and reliable certification services.

  • icon2 IRQS (Indian Register Quality Systems)

    Tailored Solutions

    Services customized to meet your industry, objectives, and sustainability goals.

  • icon2 IRQS (Indian Register Quality Systems)

    Proven Track Record

    Trusted by leading organizations for accuracy, reliability, and efficiency

Take the First Step Toward Sustainability

Partner with IRClass – IRQS to elevate your organization’s environmental credibility with ISO 14064-3:2019 Verification and Validation Services. Together, we can ensure accuracy, build trust, and contribute to a sustainable future.