ISO 14067:2018 Product Carbon Footprint

ISO 14067:2018 Product Carbon Footprint
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ISO 14067:2018 Product Carbon Footprint


Embark on a transformative journey towards sustainable product practices with our three-day ISO 14067:2018 Product Carbon Footprint Lead Implementor Training. Organized by the Indian Register Quality Systems (IRQS), this program is crafted to empower professionals to lead the implementation of product carbon footprint assessment and management within their organizations.

Key Content

  • Introduction to ISO 14067:2018

    Overview of the standard and its significance in product carbon footprint management

  • Principles of Product Carbon Footprint

    Understanding the key principles and methodologies involved in assessing product carbon footprints

  • Scope and Boundary Definition

    Defining the boundaries and scope of product carbon footprint assessments

  • Data Collection and Analysis

    Practical guidance on collecting and analysing data related to product carbon footprints

  • Implementation Strategies

    Developing and implementing strategies to reduce and manage product carbon footprints

Expected Outcome

Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of ISO 14067:2018 enabling them to lead the implementation of product carbon footprint assessment and management systems. Participants will possess the knowledge and skills to guide their organizations towards sustainable product practices.

Who Should Attend

  • Product Managers

  • Sustainability Professionals

  • Anyone involved in product sustainability and carbon footprint initiatives

  • Supply Chain Managers

  • Environmental Managers

  • Quality Assurance Experts

Secure your spot by visiting our website [Insert Website Link] or contacting us at [Insert Contact Information]. Limited
seats are available, so act now to become a certified ISO 14067:2018 Product Carbon Footprint Lead Implementor!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is ISO 14067:2018 and why is it important?

ISO 14067:2018 is an international standard that provides guidelines for quantifying and reporting the carbon footprint of products. It is essential for organizations committed to assessing and managing the environmental impact of their products throughout their lifecycle.

Who should attend this training program?

This training program is designed for professionals involved in product sustainability, environmental management, quality assurance, supply chain management, and anyone responsible for carbon footprint initiatives within their organization. Participants may include Product Managers, Sustainability Professionals, Quality Assurance Experts, Supply Chain Managers, Environmental Managers, and individuals interested in advancing sustainable product practices.

What will I learn from this training?

Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of ISO 14067:2018, enabling them to lead the implementation of product carbon footprint assessment and management systems within their organizations. Key topics covered include:

  • Scope and boundary definition for product carbon footprint assessments
  • Principles and methodologies of product carbon footprint assessment
  • Data collection, analysis, and interpretation related to product carbon footprints
  • Implementation strategies for reducing and managing product carbon footprints
How will this training benefit my organization?

This training equips participants with the knowledge and skills to effectively assess and manage the carbon footprint of products. By implementing product carbon footprint assessment systems, organizations can make informed decisions to reduce environmental impact, enhance sustainability, and meet stakeholder expectations.

Is there any prerequisite knowledge required for this training?

While there are no specific prerequisites for attending this training, participants should have a basic understanding of sustainability concepts and environmental impact assessment. This training program is designed to accommodate professionals at various levels of expertise in product sustainability and carbon footprint management.

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